2010 was Year of the Dumpling at the Grassgreens.
After it was all over, I made a poster, had it printed at 8 Days a Week, framed it and snuck it up on their wall. It was 2 years later when they noticed it.
The 18" × 24" PDF (98kb): Dumplings2010Infographic.pdf
OmniGraffle was used to draw the whole thing.
I knew I wanted to depict the bar chart as rows of dumpling icons, so I grabbed some japanese food vector art (even though we are, technically, making Chinese-style dumplings) from iStockPhoto, then colored the dumpling blue.
And I made a little thing to look like the Grassgreen house.
Real-time statistics were kept by Grassgreen in a journal. The usual procedure was:
At some point I gained access to the journal and transcribed all the numbers into a spreadsheet, to be used for the graphs: 2010 dumplings.numbers (Apple Numbers doc). It's inconceivable that Grassgreen didn't do the spreadsheet work herself, but I never heard about it if she did.
Published on February 1, 2011